Monday 29 October 2012

Activity 1: Halloween’s history

 Ans.1. The celebration of Halloween is thought to come from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow in)

Ans.2. Ireland, United Kingdom, and northern France .

Ans.3. The Celt celebrated ‘Samhain’ on the night of 31st October as they used to believed that the                 ghost of the dead come to earth.

Ans.4. Crops

Ans.5.The Druids built huge scared bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deties.

Ans.6. The costumes they wore typically consisting of animal heads and skins.

Ans.7. Hearths fires.

Ans.8. The Roman Empire.

Ans.9. Feralia and a day to honour Ponoma, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees.

Ans.10.All Souls Day on November 2 was created by the church

Ans.11.All Souls Day and Samhain are similar as both of them were celebrated big bonfires, parades, and dressing up in costumes as saints, angels and devils.

Ans.12. All-hallowmas or All-hallows

Ans.13. All-hallows eve , and, eventually, Halloween.

Monday 8 October 2012

                                                 What I Learn Today

Today I have played  text-type-game in Marion's class.In my opinion it seems to me very effective in learning the language.It has not only helped me to improve my reading skill  but also to develop my ability to analyse a text from different point of view.

Thank you

Dil Afroze